To get the best ending in Dark Souls 3, known as the Lord or Hollows or Usurpation of Fire ending, you need to defeat the Soul of Cinder final boss with eight Dark Sigils. Once you kill the Fire Keeper you get the bad guy ending. You won’t have much time to do it, so we recommend mashing the attack button so you don’t miss the window of attack. Take this time to attack and kill the Fire Keeper. Just before this happens, there is a very brief moment in which you gain control of your character. Once you summon the Fire Keeper after defeating the Soul of Cinder final boss, watch the cut scene and wait for the flame in her hands to die out.

To get the “evil” ending, follow the instructions for the True Ending. This gives you the true ending to Dark Souls 3. Now defeat the Soul of Cinder final boss and use the white sign nearby to summon the Fire Keeper. Once you have the Fire Keeper’s Eyes in hand, give them to the Fire Keeper at your Firelink Shrine. Attack the wall where Irina normally sits to reveal a secret passage and the Fire Keeper’s Eyes. If you have trouble finding it, go to where the Blacksmith normally sits, head down the stairs to the right and then take the far path to the end. Go to the spot where Irina of Carim (the blind nun) usually sits. This area looks very similar to your normal Firelink Shrine so it should be easy to find your way around. Kill the Serpent-man, open the chest to get a Titanite Scale, then attack the wall behind the chest to reveal the secret passage to the Untended Graves.ĭefeat the Champion Gundyr boss in the Untended Graves area, then head into the dark version of the Firelink Shrine. Once you defeat the boss of the area, Oceiros, the Consumed King, light the bonfire, then head behind the boss arena, open the doors here and head down. To reach this area you need to go through a secret door at the end of the Consumed King’s Garden area. To get the first true ending you need to reach the Untended Graves area and find the Eyes of a Fire Keeper.

The default ending means you don’t have all eight Dark Sigils and you basically just lit the bonfire after defeating the Soul of Cinder final boss. If you don’t do anything special, chances are this is the ending you’re going to see.

When ready, head back to our Dark Souls 3 walkthrough and guide for more tips and advice! Default Ending