
Lost to the zone
Lost to the zone

lost to the zone lost to the zone

The 1983 Mw 6.9 Borah Peak earthquake ruptured ∼36 km of the ∼130-km-long Lost River fault zone (LRFZ, Idaho, USA) ( Crone et al., 1987), one of several normal faults that accommodate dominantly SW-NE extension in the Centennial Tectonic Belt of the northern Basin and Range Province ( Scott et al., 1985 Stickney and Bartholomew, 1987 Payne et al., 2013) ( Fig. Our results inform the interpretation of paleoseismic data from near zones of normal-fault structural complexity and demonstrate that these zones may modulate rather than impede rupture displacement. We speculate that rupture termination or penetration is controlled by the history of LRFZ moment release, displacement, and rupture direction.

lost to the zone

Historical and prehistoric displacements show that the Willow Creek Hills have impeded some, but not all ruptures. The 1983 Warm Springs rupture is best described as the moderate-displacement continuation of primary rupture from the Thousand Springs section into and through a zone of structural complexity. Our results suggest the 1983 Warm Springs rupture had an average vertical displacement of ∼0.3–0.4 m and released ∼6% of the seismic moment estimated for the Borah Peak earthquake and <12% of the moment accumulated on the Warm Springs section since its last prehistoric earthquake. To explore the 1983 rupture in the context of the structural complexity, we reconstruct the spatial distribution of surface displacements for the northern 16 km of the 1983 rupture and prehistoric ruptures in the same reach of the LRFZ using 252 vertical-separation measurements made from high-resolution (5–10-cm-pixel) digital surface models. Although the rupture is a well-studied example of multisegment surface faulting, ambiguity remains regarding the degree to which a bedrock ridge and branch fault at the Willow Creek Hills influenced rupture progress. The 1983 Mw 6.9 Borah Peak earthquake generated ∼36 km of surface rupture along the Thousand Springs and Warm Springs sections of the Lost River fault zone (LRFZ, Idaho, USA).

Lost to the zone